Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Where does this music come from?
A: Besides the creative minds of the unbelievable talent you’ll find here, it was posted by the artists on the website Soundcloud and in most cases it is also found on YouTube.

Q: How do you select the music found on this site?
A: Goosebumps – As I’m listening to a Soundcloud stream, songs come on that literally give me goosebumps. I write down the artists and songs and then figure out what mood they fit in and what other songs might sound good with each other.

Q: What Genre of music is on this site?
A: I hate trying to put a label on an artist or song but it would be a combination of Indie, Alternative, Rock, Blues, Pop, Rap, Hip-Hop and many of the numerous sub-genres that are out there.

Q: Does this site offer free downloads?
A: Sorry but no. The artists that I’m finding are trying to get a start in the music business and many are struggling. If you like the songs, please pay your respects to the artists and buy their songs off one of the many download sites, most are less than a dollar.

Q: Why should I buy music when I can get it for free?
A: For less than the cost of an energy drink you can feel good about yourself and feel like you’ve actually helped somebody.

Q: Where does the sun go at night?
A: Once the sun sets aliens with large spaceships move the sun around to the other side of the world just in time for sunrise.

Q: Why is the Earth Flat?
A: I hate to break it to you but that is an optical Illusion and the earth is actually shaped like a football.

Q; Why do we have fingers?
A: How else would we be able to do rock paper scissors.

Q: Why am I still reading this list?
A: I don’t know, don’t you have something better to do like listen to one of my podcasts.